Achieve smooth, youthful, wrinkle-free skin with Sculptra!

This is not just another filler. Sculptra will help stimulate the production of your own natural collagen, leaving you with a natural, refreshed look.

Sculptra therapy is designed to help correct skin depression such as creases, wrinkles, folds, scars, hollow eye rings, degenerative skin aging, and facial lipoatrophy (loss of fat) via the injection of poly-L-lactic acid into the skin and underlying tissues in the form of a sterile apyrogenic suspension.

  • Poly-L-lactic acid, a synthetic polymer from the alpha hydroxy-acid family (fruit acids), is biocompatible and biodegradable, meaning it is metabolized, or broken down, and does not cause harm to the body. It has been used medically for many years in dissolvable stitches and does not require pre-treatment skin testing allergies.

  • Most areas of the body require 2 - 4 sessions 4 - 6 weeks apart for optimal correction. Since individual responses to Sculptra therapy may vary, the exact number of treatment sessions required cannot be predicted with complete accuracy. After each injection session, tissue volume in the treated area will gradually build up over time as your body produces new collagen (neocollagenesis). The benefits after a Scuptra treatment can last up to 2 years, however some cases show the duration of benefits may be shorter or longer. At your next Scultra treatment, your response to the previous session will be assessed and additional treatments can be performed to optimize your correction. To maintain the desired degree of correction, intermittent “touch-up” treatments may be needed.

  • Sculptra therapy is designed to improve the appearance of the treated area, but note that it does not treat or cure any underlying cause of tissue or fat loss.

    After a Sculptra treatment, some common injection-related side effects may occur. This may include swelling, redness, pain, itching, discoloration, and tenderness at the injection site. These side effects typically resolve within 1 to 15 days.

    Since Sculptra therapy injections are administered in a solution containing sterile water, there may be initial swelling (edema) that could be noticeable for at least several hours or up to several days. However, the effect is temporary and does not affect the long-term tissue response.

    Small bumps under the skin called micro-nodules may be felt or seen in the areas of treatment. These bumps are usually only felt when pressing on the skin. Micro-nodules typically last from 6 to 12 months and may spontaneously disappear. They usually do not require treatment and usually do not have any symptoms.

    Induration, or a feeling of fullness or thickness, may be felt in the injection area. This is a normal response of the treated tissue through the process of inflammation and neocollagenesis. Simply massage the treated areas gently 5 times per day for 5 minutes for 5 days after the injection.

    Visible bumps may occur in rare instances and they may be associated with redness, tenderness, skin discoloration, or textural alteration. These bumps, which may be termed granulomas, may or may not require treatment (including, but not limited to, injections, freezing, or excision).

    Other rarely reported adverse events include: injection site abscess, allergic reaction, skin hypertrophy or atrophy, malaise, fatigue, and edema.

    Sculptra therapy is contraindicated (not allowed) during pregnancy or breastfeeding. If you believe you may be pregnant or are breastfeeding, please inform your provider prior to injection.

Learn more about how to achieve a natural, younger-looking you with Sculptra!

Book a FREE consultation with Christine Rogers, PA-C.